Worked on Pexip Infinity, deploying CI, and improving video codecs.
Software Intern
Introduced automated static analysis and fuzzing processes into CI.
PA Solutions
Front-end dev
Designed and created a new JAMStack website to represent the face of the company.
Firmware Intern
Implemented support for upcoming v8 security features in firmware.
Improved build processes and tests.
Context IS
Brand Ambassador
Represented the company to students at my University, and attended conferences to interact with potential hires.
HackTheMidlands 5.0
Built and deployed an improved, online CTF from scratch, covering topics from digital forensics to binary analysis to web hacking.
Created and themed a website for the LOCKDONE-athon as part of UoB's Birmingham In Action campaign, and developed challenges for an introduction to cyber-security CTF competition.
WhatTheCTF 2020
Built new challenges, organized infrastructure and hosting, and established web presence for the event's second iteration.
HackTheMidlands 4.0
Built a CTF from scratch, designed and deployed a suite of web applications, and provided on-the-day support to users, organizers and sponsors.
Created and adapted challenges and managed infrastructure at a CTF for a PhD summer school run by INRIA.
WhatTheCTF 2019
Built challenges for and set up hosting for a student-led CTF competition.
Cast your localhost apps onto the internet and share them with the world!
A timetable extractor for University of Birmingham.
CSS website
Custom designed website for my University's Computer Science Society.