Building a symbolic executor for AoC day 24

Advent of Code is one of my favorite coding events all year - for the uninitiated, it’s a series of 25 coding puzzles that take place during the month of December as part of the lead-up to Christmas day. This year was quite fun, though one puzzle definitely captured my attention more than any of the others - day 24.

For the full puzzle description, see here, but I’ll summarize:

The ALU is a four-dimensional processing unit: it has integer variables w, x, y, and z. These variables all start with the value 0. The ALU also supports six instructions.

  • inp a
  • add a b
  • mul a b
  • div a b
  • mod a b
  • eql a b

The ALU will run the MOdel Number Automatic Detector program (MONAD, your puzzle input).

After MONAD has finished running all of its instructions, it will indicate that the model number was valid by leaving a 0 in variable z. However, if the model number was invalid, it will leave some other non-zero value in z.

To enable as many submarine features as possible, find the largest valid fourteen-digit model number that contains no 0 digits. What is the largest model number accepted by MONAD?

The Reddit solutions thread for this day is really wonderful - there’s a combination of brute force implementations, reverse engineering the MONAD program itself (which is what I initially did), and some other weird and out there solutions. However, my favorite solutions are the ones that both 1. run in a reasonable amount of time, and 2. don’t assume anything about the structure of the input program.

So, in this post, I’ve attempted to explain my solution which achieves both of these goals by using the magic of ✨ symbolic execution ✨.

Symbolic execution?

Put simply, symbolic execution is another way of executing a program - however, instead of storing actual values like 1 or 42 or 2^10, we store variables like a or b. Then we run the program for these symbolic values, which lets us generate a system of constraints - which we can then solve. For example:

x = int(input())
if x < 3:

In the above, we read x as an integer input from a user, and if it’s less than 3, we print "success", otherwise we print "failure". In the world of symbolic execution, at first, the value of x is unconstrained and could be any integer. However, in each branch of the if-statement, x is constrained differently; in the success branch, x < 3, in the failure branch x >= 3. These are the constraints we could then solve, to find a value of x for each scenario.

Symbolic execution is a very powerful technique, made slightly more complex to implement by the fact that real-world languages have a lot of different expression and statement types and that real-world code often has a lot of branching.

Thankfully, for day 24, we don’t either of those! We have just 6 instructions, and none of those are branching, so we should be able to implement something fairly easily!

The code

Let’s start writing some code - I’ve picked Rust, mostly because I’m comfortable with it, and because I solved all the other days in it as well, but also because I think it lends itself to a very neat implementation of this problem that should be easy to follow along with even if you’re not familiar with it.

The final finished product can be found here, along with the related cargo files and my puzzle input.

First off, let’s get our imports out of the way - we’ll end up using these throughout the rest of the program.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs;

We can then start by getting the input into a nice, easy-to-use structure so we can manipulate it later on.


We’re going to organize our program into a number of distinct sections. In this first section, we’ll turn the textual representation of the program into code representations like structs and enums which will let us manipulate them more easily (and also lead to cleaner code).

First off, we have our program object which is just a series of instructions:

struct Program {
    instructions: Vec<Instruction>,

Following from that, we have our 6 instructions. Aside from Inp, the rest of the instructions operate on a register and a value, somehow combining them, and then writing the result back to the register.

enum Instruction {
    Add(Register, Value),
    Mul(Register, Value),
    Div(Register, Value),
    Mod(Register, Value),
    Eql(Register, Value),

We then have our 4 different registers, w, x, y and z. We’ll derive a couple of different traits that we’ll use later, but they’re mostly just giving us a few shortcuts we’ll be able to use.

#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
enum Register {

Finally, we have our values, which can either be loaded from a register, or a literal value encoded into the program:

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum Value {

Now that we have our main data structures defined, we can parse our program into these. We’ll start with the easiest case, parsing a single register.

impl Register {
    fn parse(data: &str) -> Result<Self, String> {
        match data {
            "w" => Ok(Register::W),
            "x" => Ok(Register::X),
            "y" => Ok(Register::Y),
            "z" => Ok(Register::Z),
            _ => Err(format!("invalid register")),

Relatively straightforward, so we can move on to the slightly more complex values, which can either be a register or an integer:

impl Value {
    fn parse(data: &str) -> Result<Self, String> {
        if let Ok(reg) = Register::parse(data) {
        } else if let Ok(n) = data.parse::<i64>() {
        } else {
            Err(format!("invalid value"))

    fn as_register(&self) -> Result<Register, String> {
        if let Value::Load(reg) = self {
        } else {
            Err(format!("value is not a register"))

While we’re here, we also define an as_register function, which extracts the register from a value if it has one: this’ll make parsing instructions just a little neater.

Speaking of which, we can now parse whole instructions. Let’s start by taking our instruction of the form <inst> <arg> <arg>? and extracting the instruction and all the arguments.

impl Instruction {
    fn parse(data: &str) -> Result<Self, String> {
        let parts: Vec<&str> = data.split(" ").collect();
        if parts.len() == 0 {
            return Err(format!("empty line"));

        let instruction = parts[0];
        let operands: Result<Vec<_>, _> = parts[1..]
            .map(|s| Value::parse(s))
        let operands = operands?;

To cleanup the implementation for the next bit, we can write a couple of macros that parse both instructions that take a single and double arguments respectively:

        macro_rules! unary {
            ($inst: expr) => {{
                if operands.len() != 1 {
                    return Err(format!("invalid argument count"));
        macro_rules! binary {
            ($inst: expr) => {{
                if operands.len() != 2 {
                    return Err(format!("invalid argument count"));
                $inst(operands[0].as_register()?, operands[1])

Then our final step of parsing instructions just falls out of the above:

        match instruction {
            "inp" => Ok(unary!(Instruction::Inp)),
            "add" => Ok(binary!(Instruction::Add)),
            "mul" => Ok(binary!(Instruction::Mul)),
            "div" => Ok(binary!(Instruction::Div)),
            "mod" => Ok(binary!(Instruction::Mod)),
            "eql" => Ok(binary!(Instruction::Eql)),
            _ => Err(format!("unknown instruction")),

To complete our parsing, we add a parse method for our program:

impl Program {
    fn parse(data: &str) -> Result<Program, String> {
        let instructions: Result<Vec<_>, _> = data
        let instructions = instructions?;
        Ok(Self { instructions })

That concludes our parsing stage, now let’s move on to execution!


In this stage we’ll create a SymbolicExecutor struct which can symbolically run through a program. However, because we want to keep our code flexible, let’s implement a trait (like an interface, if you’re not familiar with Rust) for a general Executor:

trait Executor {
    fn exec(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) -> Result<(), String>;

An Executor takes a single instruction and modifies it’s internal state with the result of that instruction, possibly returning an error if something goes wrong.

We want to run Executors over a whole program though, so let’s write a helper function for that:

fn run<E: Executor>(program: &Program, executor: &mut E) -> Result<(), String> {
    for instruction in &program.instructions {

With our trait out of the way, let’s actually define our symbolic executor:

struct SymbolicExecutor {
    w_idx: usize,
    x_idx: usize,
    y_idx: usize,
    z_idx: usize,
    input_idx: usize,
    registers: HashMap<SymbolicRegister, Expression>,

These fields need some explanation. What we essentially want to do with our symbolic executor is transform our program into a collection of variable assignments. However, we don’t want to use a single variable more than once.

So for example, the program

inp x
add x 1

Should be turned into something like, where iX is the value at the Xth index into the input string:

x0 = i0
x1 = x0 + 1

So, going back to our SymbolicExecutor, the _idx variables represent the most recent write to a register. We’ll use these values to construct SymbolicRegisters, which we’ll assign to Expressions. This should make more sense once we start implementing the exec method on this.

However, we now need to actually define Expressions and SymbolicRegisters:

enum Expression {
    Add(SymbolicValue, SymbolicValue),
    Mul(SymbolicValue, SymbolicValue),
    Div(SymbolicValue, SymbolicValue),
    Mod(SymbolicValue, SymbolicValue),
    Eql(SymbolicValue, SymbolicValue),

#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct SymbolicRegister {
    reg: Register,
    idx: usize,

enum SymbolicValue {

These are essentially almost identical to the normal Values and Registers, however, in these structures we have two new things:

  1. The ability to represent inputs as values.
  2. The ability to contain an index variable for each register and the input, which lets us represent program flow over time in a series of mathematical assignments.

Our Expressions bind these concepts together, to produce the right hand side of our assignments.

So, let’s build our executor’s implementations. To start, let’s create a default constructor:

impl SymbolicExecutor {
    fn new() -> Self {
        let mut registers = HashMap::new();
        for reg in [Register::W, Register::X, Register::Y, Register::Z] {
            // the default values of each register are 0
                SymbolicRegister { reg: reg, idx: 0 },

        Self {
            w_idx: 0,
            x_idx: 0,
            y_idx: 0,
            z_idx: 0,
            input_idx: 0,

We initialize all of our indexes to zero (to represent the beginning of time), and also add default values for each register, creating the assignments w0 = 0, x0 = 0, y0 = 0 and z0 = 0.

Now we can implement our exec function! We’re going to use a couple of helper functions which we haven’t yet implemented, but we’ll get to those in a moment.

First we create a simple macro which constructs an expression from a program register and values:

impl Executor for SymbolicExecutor {
    fn exec(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) -> Result<(), String> {
        macro_rules! apply {
            ($lhs:expr, $op:expr, $rhs:expr) => {

Then we just write execution implementations for each of our instructions:

        match instruction {
            Instruction::Inp(reg) => {
                let input = SymbolicValue::Input(self.input_idx);
                self.input_idx += 1;
                self.write_reg(*reg, Expression::Unit(input));
            Instruction::Add(reg, val) => apply!(*reg, Expression::Add, *val),
            Instruction::Mul(reg, val) => apply!(*reg, Expression::Mul, *val),
            Instruction::Div(reg, val) => apply!(*reg, Expression::Div, *val),
            Instruction::Mod(reg, val) => apply!(*reg, Expression::Mod, *val),
            Instruction::Eql(reg, val) => apply!(*reg, Expression::Eql, *val),


The special case here is of course, the inp instruction, essentially first transforming inp w into for the first input wX = i0, wX = i1 for the second input, etc, etc.

Let’s dive into our helper functions. read_reg takes a program register and turns it into a symbolic register, based on how many times we’ve written to that register before.

impl SymbolicExecutor {
    fn read_reg(&self, reg: Register) -> SymbolicRegister {
        let idx = match reg {
            Register::W => self.w_idx,
            Register::X => self.x_idx,
            Register::Y => self.y_idx,
            Register::Z => self.z_idx,
        SymbolicRegister { reg, idx }

Then read_val is a simple helper that take a program value and turns it into a symbolic value - as you can imagine, it’s quite a simple implementation:

    fn read_val(&self, val: Value) -> SymbolicValue {
        match val {
            Value::Load(reg) => SymbolicValue::Load(self.read_reg(reg)),
            Value::Literal(n) => SymbolicValue::Literal(n),

Finally, write_reg writes backs to a register, incrementing the index every time we write:

    fn write_reg(&mut self, reg: Register, value: Expression) {
        let idx = match reg {
            Register::W => {
                self.w_idx += 1;
            Register::X => {
                self.x_idx += 1;
            Register::Y => {
                self.y_idx += 1;
            Register::Z => {
                self.z_idx += 1;
        self.registers.insert(SymbolicRegister { reg, idx }, value);

…and believe it or not, that’s pretty much everything we need to symbolically execute the program! Let’s continue to work out how we can take these assignments and generate constraints to solve.

Constraint solving

Constraint solving is quite fiddly - thankfully, we don’t need to do it ourselves, we can use a piece of software called an SMT solver. One of the most well-known solvers is called z3, and is developed by Microsoft research. z3 can accept a lot of different inputs, but we’re going to feed it SMTLIB2 code, which is essentially a collection of s-expressions which represent constraints - once we’ve done this, we say “solve!”, and it’ll work backwards from our constraints to find valid inputs!

The way we’ll generate these s-expressions is by simply printing them out, which we can then redirect to a fil and run z3 over.

In that spirit, let’s write a main function!

fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
    let program = fs::read_to_string("program.txt").unwrap();
    let program = program.trim();
    let program = Program::parse(program)?;


We’ll read the program from a file, and then parse it into out program object - then we’ll produce a z3 program to search for a satisfying input.

To start, we’ll invoke our wonderful SymbolicExecutor:

fn search(program: Program) -> Result<(), String> {
    let mut exec = SymbolicExecutor::new();
    run(&program, &mut exec)?;

Then, we’ll create our declarations for every variable (registers and inputs) we’re going to use in our program. Remember, we do this by outputting s-expressions:

    for idx in 0..exec.input_idx {
        let var = SymbolicValue::Input(idx);
        println!("(declare-fun {} () (_ BitVec 64))", var.smt());
    for (reg, _) in &exec.registers {
        println!("(declare-fun {} () (_ BitVec 64))", reg.smt());

We define each input value and each state of each register to be a function with no inputs (that’s just how we do it), that returns a 64-bit bit-vector - we’ll treat these as signed integers. You’ll see the .smt() function being called - we’ll define the details of that in a moment.

We can then codify our assertion! Let’s start with a simple constraint, i.e. all input values need to be between 1 and 9 (inclusive).

    for idx in 0..exec.input_idx {
        let var = SymbolicValue::Input(idx);
            "(assert (bvsge {} {}))",
            "(assert (bvsle {} {}))",

The loop iterates over every possible input index, creates a symbolic value for it, just like we did during our execution step. The weird bvsge and bvsle functions are bit vector greater-than-or-equal-to and bit vector less-than-or-equal-to respectively.

Next, we know that the final value of the z register should be equal to zero (so that we get MONAD to execute correctly):

        "(assert (= {} {}))",

Finally, we just need to encode our constraints from symbolic execution! This is actually surprisingly uninvolved:

    for (reg, expr) in &exec.registers {
        println!("(assert (= {} {}))", reg.smt(), expr.smt());

We just need to print the closing parts of our z3 program now:

        "(get-value ({}))",
            .map(|idx| SymbolicValue::Input(idx).smt())
            .join(" ")


The check-sat function prints either sat or unsat depending on whether the constraints actually allow a valid assignment of variables. Then, the get-value function prints out what the solver has determined our input values must be!

The only remaining part of the program is to now define how all our symbolic values actually turn in SMTLIB2 expressions by implementing the .smt() function. Let’s start with a trait (since we’ll be implementing it multiple times):

trait SMT {
    fn smt(&self) -> String;

Let’s start with SymbolicRegisters:

impl SMT for SymbolicRegister {
    fn smt(&self) -> String {
        let reg = match self.reg {
            Register::W => "w",
            Register::X => "x",
            Register::Y => "y",
            Register::Z => "z",
        format!("{}{}", reg, self.idx)

So the first value of z will be represented by the string "z0", the second value by "z1", etc.

SymbolicValues are a little more involved, but not by much:

impl SMT for SymbolicValue {
    fn smt(&self) -> String {
        match self {
            SymbolicValue::Load(reg) => reg.smt(),
            SymbolicValue::Input(idx) => format!("i{}", idx),
            SymbolicValue::Literal(n) => {
                let literal = format!("(_ bv{} 64)", n.abs());
                let literal = if *n < 0 {
                    format!("(bvneg {})", literal)
                } else {

For Loads, we can delegate to the SymbolicRegister implementation, for Inputs we create a variable called iX where X is the index, while for the Literal we construct a literal. The literal construction essentially constructs a bit vector literal, optionally, using the bvneg function to construct negative values, since bit vector literals can’t have negative numbers attached using the construction we’ve used.

Finally, just the Expression left, essentially transforming each expression type into a calculation:

impl SMT for Expression {
    fn smt(&self) -> String {
        match self {
            Expression::Unit(unit) => unit.smt(),
            Expression::Add(left, right) => format!("(bvadd {} {})", left.smt(), right.smt()),
            Expression::Mul(left, right) => format!("(bvmul {} {})", left.smt(), right.smt()),
            Expression::Div(left, right) => format!("(bvsdiv {} {})", left.smt(), right.smt()),
            Expression::Mod(left, right) => format!("(bvsmod {} {})", left.smt(), right.smt()),
            Expression::Eql(left, right) => format!(
                "(ite (= {} {}) {} {})",

The only slightly confusing one is the implementation of eql: for this function, we use the if-then-else (ite) function to evaluate the conditional, then return 1 if true and 0 if false.

…and that brings us to completion! That’s all the code we need to implement a basic symbolic execution engine!

Running the code

Taking all the code and putting into a cargo project means we can easily build and run it:

$ cargo build
$ cargo run > monad.smt

We can skim the contents of monad.smt just to make sure we’ve got everything correct:

(declare-fun i0 () (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun i1 () (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun i2 () (_ BitVec 64))
(assert (bvsge i0 (_ bv1 64)))
(assert (bvsle i0 (_ bv9 64)))
(assert (= z42 (_ bv0 64)))
(assert (= y7 (bvadd y6 (_ bv4 64))))
(assert (= y109 (bvmul y108 (_ bv0 64))))
(assert (= y22 (bvadd y21 w3)))
(get-value (i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13))

Once we’re satisfied with the results, we can solve!

$ z3 monad.smt
((i0 #x0000000000000009)
 (i1 #x0000000000000001)
 (i2 #x0000000000000009)
 (i3 #x0000000000000002)
 (i4 #x0000000000000008)
 (i5 #x0000000000000009)
 (i6 #x0000000000000001)
 (i7 #x0000000000000004)
 (i8 #x0000000000000009)
 (i9 #x0000000000000009)
 (i10 #x0000000000000009)
 (i11 #x0000000000000009)
 (i12 #x0000000000000008)
 (i13 #x0000000000000001))

The resulting output makes up our digits: 91928914999981!

However, this isn’t quite the solution to the AOC problem: remember, we want to find the largest possible id number, not just any id number.

So back to our code, we can add an optimization to our set of constraints right before our (check-sat):

        "(maximize (bvadd {}))",
            .map(|idx| {
                let var = SymbolicValue::Input(idx);
                let factor = 10_i64.pow((exec.input_idx - idx) as u32);
                Expression::Mul(var, SymbolicValue::Literal(factor)).smt()
            .join(" ")

To understand this, let’s look at the output:

(maximize (bvadd (bvmul i0 (_ bv100000000000000 64)) (bvmul i1 (_ bv10000000000000 64)) ... (bvmul i13 (_ bv10 64))))

Essentially, this will tell z3 to produce the result which maximizes the sum of all the digits multiplied by their place-significance. This means that increasing the value of i0 becomes more important than increasing the value of i1, and so on.

Running the constraint solver again:

$ cargo run > monad.smt
$ z3 monad.smt
((i0 #x0000000000000009)
 (i1 #x0000000000000002)
 (i2 #x0000000000000009)
 (i3 #x0000000000000002)
 (i4 #x0000000000000008)
 (i5 #x0000000000000009)
 (i6 #x0000000000000001)
 (i7 #x0000000000000004)
 (i8 #x0000000000000009)
 (i9 #x0000000000000009)
 (i10 #x0000000000000009)
 (i11 #x0000000000000009)
 (i12 #x0000000000000009)
 (i13 #x0000000000000001))

We get 92928914999991, which is the correct answer for my input!


From scratch, we’ve build a symbolic executor for the assembly language defined in Advent of Code day 24! You can find the whole codebase, with a few extra additions, here.

If anything’s still not particularly clear, please, get in contact, I’d love to clarify!

Thanks for reading, and hopefully see you again soon!